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  • Experts in Pediatric Occupational Therapy
  • Autism Specialist
  • Traditional Occupational Therapy
  • Alternative Treatment Programs
  • SIPT (Sensory Integration Praxis Test) Certified

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release is a gentle, effective therapy involving
manipulation of fascia to relieve the restrictions and
imbalances in the body. By detecting the fascial restrictions
through touch, observation, and outward symptoms, a three
dimensional approach of sustained pressure and movement
within the fascial system can be performed to release
restrictions and restore equilibrium.

Myofascial Release uses a manipulation of the entire body to promote healing, decrease pain and recurrences of acute episodes caused by chronic stresses. Myofascial Release alleviates the chronic pain and symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, migraines, back, neck, and knee pain. Results can be achieved in a short period of time. This therapy also improves posture, and increases circulation, mobility, flexibility and mind/body awareness.

What does an Occupational Therapist do? | Interactive Metronome | Sensory Integration | Listening Fitness
Therapeutic Listening | Myofascial Release| Experience

MF Therapy Group | 5691 Naples Blvd | Naples, FL 34109 | (239) 592-6100 | Fax: (239) 592-6156 | Email

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