What is Occupational Therapy (OT)?
Occupational Therapy is a rehabilitation specialty that is provided by a licensed
individual. A Pediatric Occupational Therapist works with children with varying
challenges. Some of the areas the therapist may help the child increase function
- Fine/visual motor
- Visual perceptual
- Sensory motor
- Self feeding
- Dressing/tying shoes
- Upper body strengthening
- Splinting/adaptive equipment
- Life skills
A child's occupation in life is play, self-care, school, and learning about their environment. Occupational therapists help children improve their ability to perform tasks in life skills and address any deficits which impede their ability to achieve an optimal level of independence in his/her environment.
Therapy focuses on sensory, fine, and visual motor activities. These activities
range from handwriting/keyboarding to performing life skills. Pediatric therapists
are licensed professionals who specialize in treating children.